Annual Fundraiser, 2024
On June 20th, The Einstein Method (TEM) hosted our second fundraiser, ‘An Evening with Einstein’. The event was graciously hosted by Dreamtroit in Detroit. Over 150 people attended supporting us and honored Detroit Piston basketball legend, Earl Cureton. Earl, served for three years as a valued member of our board until his untimely death. His insight and wisdom benefitted us greatly.
The night was enhanced by the voice of George Blaha of the Detroit Pistons announcing all of the varied speakers including Greg Kelser and Grant Long as well as those affected by the great work of TEM.
Small bites provided by Michigan and Trumbull Pizza, Green Dot Stables, ima izakaya and Dutch Girl Donuts were an added bonus to a night filled with music by blues guitarist, Jeff Grand and DJ Eddie Logix.
Thanks to the generosity of the many sponsors, donors, and attendees over $60,000 was raised. These funds will provide hands-on training and workshops to educators, especially those which serve at-risk and underserved students, at minimal cost to the schools.
If you are interested in becoming involved or becoming a sponsor, please contact us: